
Pokemon Crimson and Azure Pokedex

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Neujersia Region Pokédex:
001. Lisap (Grass)
002. Geckoak (Grass-Poison)
003. Birchameleo (Grass-Poison)
004. Embleat (Fire)
005. Kiddle (Fire)
006. Chargoat (Fire-Steel)
007. Squirtrout (Water)
008. Whalpool (Water)
009. Tsunarwhal (Water-Ice)
010. Sentarbler (Normal-Flying)
011. Turrweet (Steel-Flying)
012. Steegle (Steel-Flying)
013. Scandicoot (Normal)
014. Radarret (Normal)
015. Maggorge (Bug-Ground)
016. Larvast (Bug-Steel)
017. Dragornet (Bug-Dragon)
018. Lobstrike (Water-Fighting)
019. Lobrawler (Water-Steel-Fighting)
020. Roostorm (Electric-Flying)
021. Peskifly (Bug)
022. Pestoxic (Bug-Poison)
023. Duskog (Dark)
024. Magnolltude (Dark-Ground)
025. Scalmon (Water-Fire)
026. Anemomite (Water-Bug)
027. Spongsect (Water-Bug)
028. Archoneon (Angel)
029. Diableon (Devil)
030. Bulkow (Ground-Steel)
031. Bulldox (Ground-Steel)
032. Beelzebuzz (Devil-Bug)
033. Satarachnid (Devil-Bug)
034. Angelantis (Angel-Bug)
035. Archantis (Angel-Bug)
036. Sporestool (Grass-Poison)
037. Hypnocap (Grass-Psychic)
038. Shoccub (Electric)
039. Bearlectric (Electric)
040. Cherbee (Grass-Bug)
041. Strawbereetle (Grass-Bug)
042. Berrixie (Grass-Fairy)
043. Comfedelic (Psychic-Fairy)
044. Grubbon (Normal)
045. Konghost (Ghost)
046. Caterpolar (Ice-Bug)
047. Iscupa (Ice-Bug)
048. Icebergerfly (Ice-Bug)
048. Snorror (Ice-Ghost)
050. Snowmesmer (Ice-Ghost)
051. Smilodusk (Rock-Dark)
052. Smilodemon (Rock-Devil)
053. Ankylyph (Rock-Steel)
054. Ankhylo (Rock-Ghost)
055. Nautilunk (Rock-Water)
056. Nautilibre (Rock-Fighting)
057. Urchurn (Water-Ghost)
058. Anglight (Water-Electric)
059. Alicharm (Ghost-Steel)
060. Cloghoul (Ghost-Steel)
061. Aillurina (Fairy)
062. Pandancer (Fairy)
063. Panduelist (Fairy-Fighting)
064. Flakitty (Ice)
065. Limeow (Ice-Rock)
066. Poisant (Grass-Poison)
067. Rafflesick (Grass-Poison)
068. Flytoxin (Grass-Poison)
069. Surfpent (Water-Poison)
070. Drougon (Water-Dragon)
071. Azeirryu (Water-Ice-Dragon)
072. Stardiesel (Rock-Steel)
073. Cometal (Rock-Steel)
074. Graffitypus (Poison)
075. Toxicat (Poison-Normal)
076. Toxelot (Poison-Normal)
077. Ospyre (Dark-Flying)
078. Ravuse (Fire-Flying)
079. Ms. Mime (Psychic-Fairy)
080. Mime Sr. (Psychic-Fairy)
081. Poltorqueist (Ghost-Steel)
082. Revampant (Ghost-Steel)
083. Mimikus (Ghost-Fairy)
084. Titangle (Grass-Dragon)
085. Herbagon (Grass-Dragon)
086. Berragon (Grass-Dragon)
087. Wyfruit (Grass-Dragon)
088. Comabat (Psychic)
089. Phantarasque (Ghost-Dragon)
090. Thorncupine (Grass-Steel)
091. Bloxish (Water-Fairy)
092. Dramprey (Ground-Dragon)
093. Dockroc (Water-Grass)
094. Cyclonaga (Flying-Dragon)
095. Stormyrm (Electric-Dragon)
096. Geommo-o (Rock-Dragon)
097. Klunkjina (Steel-Fairy)
098. Tanukog (Steel-Fairy)
099. Spookionna (Ice-Ghost-Fairy)
100. Leote'wisp (Ghost-Fairy)
101. Tutomb (Ghost-Fairy)
102. Piantom (Ghost-Fairy-Steel)
103. Hitmonli-J (Fighting)
104. Forestten (Grass)
105. Jungliger (Grass-Steel)
106. Treegre (Grass-Steel)
107. Boozzard (Ghost-Flying)
108. Ghoulture (Ghost-Flying)
109. Kappunch (Water-Poison-Fighting)
110. Kashaman (Fire-Fairy-Ghost)
111. Serpagma (Rock-Fire)
112. Nagalava (Rock-Fire)
113. Quetzalcanoal (Rock-Fire-Flying)
114. Fortisswan (Water-Flying)
115. Bansheetah (Ghost)
116. Klaatu (Ghost-Fairy-Psychic)
117. Barada (Ghost-Fairy-Psychic)
118. Nikto (Ghost-Fairy-Psychic)
119. Glasiege (Ice-Steel)
120. Avalier (Ice-Steel)
121. Manticrush (Dragon-Steel)
122. Hypnobi (Dark-Psychic)
123. Kunotic (Dark-Psychic)
124. Tomburtle (Water-Ghost)
125. Torterror (Water-Ghost)
126. Thanatoise (Water-Ghost)
127. Rockalypse (Rock)
128. Bouldageddon (Rock)
129. Cragnarok (Rock-Dragon)
130. Qinglo Pinus (Grass-Dragon) (Neujersian Deity)
131. Zhuqu Furno (Fire-Flying) (Neujersian Deity)
132. Baiho Sabre (Steel) (Neujersian Deity)
133. Xuanu Cryos (Ice-Rock) (Neujersian Deity)
134. Jersatanarchist (Devil) (Legendary)
135. Seraphinx (Angel) (Legendary)
136. Dracegg (Dragon-Fairy) (Legendary)
137. Spritchling (Dragon-Fairy) (Legendary)
138. Restouryuu (Dragon-Fairy) (Legendary)
139. Malevolich (Ghost-Devil) (UB-06 Anarchy)
140. Vortusk (Electric-Ground) (UB-07 Vortex)
141. Tempede (Electric-Bug) (UB-07 Tempest)
142. Thorallelujah (Angel-Bug) (UB-08 Heavens)
143. Antileost (Devil-Bug) (UB-08 Underworlds)
144. Monstamune (Dragon-Steel) (UB-09 Blade)
145. Capricornight (Steel-Water) (UB-09 Capricorn)
146. Fifenfield (Steel-Flying-Fairy) (UB-10 Chivalry)
147. Echonolith (Psychic) (Legendary)
148. Vulcog (Steel-Fire) (Mythical)
149. Tsukomonk (Fairy-Angel) (Mythical)
150. Abaravoc (Dark-Devil) (Mythical)
151. Taikime (Steel/Fairy) (Normal Form)/ (Fighting/Steel/Fairy) (Don Forme)/ (Water/Steel/Fairy) (Katsu Forme)/ (Electric/Steel/Fairy) (Doko Forme)/ (Fire/Steel/Fighting) (Tetsu Forme) (The Autumnwoods Of Might)
152. Taikamui Steel/Fairy) (Normal Form)/ (Fighting/Steel/Fairy) (Don Forme)/ (Water/Steel/Fairy) (Katsu Forme)/ (Electric/Steel/Fairy) (Doko Forme)/ (Fire/Steel/Fighting) (Tetsu Forme) (The Autumnwoods Of Legends)
153. Tatsujidoros (Fighting/Steel/Fairy) (Normal Form)/ (Rock/Steel/Fighting) (Don Forme)/ (Water/Steel/Fighting) (Katsu Forme)/ (Electric/Steel/Fighting) (Doko Forme)/ (Fire/Steel/Fighting) (Tetsu Forme) (The Autumnwoods Of Legends)
154. Nahage (Devil/Fairy) (The Autumnwoods Of Legends)
155. Namarchy (Devil/Fairy) (The Autumnwoods Of Legends)
156. Namahageddon (Dark/Devil/Fairy) (The Autumnwoods Of Legends)
157. Litsune (Fire/Fairy) (The Autumnwoods Of Legends)
158. Kyublaze (Fire/Fairy) (The Autumnwoods Of Legends)
159. Incinari (Fire/Angel/Fairy) (The Autumnwoods Of Legends)
160. Shunobite (Dark) (The Autumnwoods Of Legends)
161. Gnashunobun (Dark/Devil) (The Autumnwoods Of Legends)
162. Jolchin (Electric/Fairy) (The Autumnwoods Of Legends)
163. Volchin (Electric/Fairy) (The Autumnwoods Of Legends)
164. Electrobakechi (Electric/Fairy) (The Autumnwoods Of Legends)
165. Gaspooks (Ghost/Devil) (The Autumnwoods Of Legends)
166. Gashriek (Ghost/Devil) (The Autumnwoods Of Legends)
167. Gashadokrunch (Ghost/Devil) (The Autumnwoods Of Legends)
168. Takipole (Fairy/Water) (The Autumnwoods Of Legends)
169. Kaerog (Fairy/Water) (The Autumnwoods Of Legends)
170. Takaeroad (Fairy/Water) (The Autumnwoods Of Legends)
171. Kaerokka (Fairy/Water/Poison) (The Autumnwoods Of Legends)
172. Kodazumi (Normal/Fairy) (The Autumnwoods Of Legends)
173. Hitump (Grass/Fairy) (The Autumnwoods Of Legends)
174. Kodansai (Grass/Fairy) (The Autumnwoods Of Legends)
175. Karosu (Flying/Fighting) (The Autumnwoods Of Legends)
176. Tengrow (Flying/Fighting) (The Autumnwoods Of Legends)
177. Sojobeak (Flying/Fighting) (The Autumnwoods Of Legends)
178. Bonryo (Ghost/Dark/Fighting) (The Autumnwoods Of Legends)
179. Oneedle (Poison/Dark/Devil) (The Autumnwoods Of Legends)
180. Nuriquake (Rock/Ground/Devil) (The Autumnwoods Of Legends)
181. Gozitsu (Fire/Fighting) (Legendary) (The Autumnwoods Of Legends)
182. Mezune-Do (Ice/Fighting) (Legendary) (The Autumnwoods Of Legends)
183. Jyazudo (Dark/Flying/Fighting) (Legendary) (The Autumnwoods Of Legends)
184. Enmadaijitsu (Angel/Devil/Fighting); Single Strike Forme (Fire/Devil/Fighting)/Counter Strike Forme (Water/Devil/Fighting)/Rapid Strike Forme (Electric/Devil/Fighting)/Chi Strike Forme (Angel/Devil/Fighting) (Legendary) (The Autumnwoods Of Legends)
185. Kiricension (Fairy/Dragon) (Mythical) (The Autumnwoods Of Legends)
186. Hououcano (Fairy/Fire/Flying) (Mythical) (The Autumnwoods Of Legends)
187. Kukoid (Fire/Psychic/Fairy) (Mythical) (The Autumnwoods Of Legends)
188. Tenkyubi (Angel/Psychic/Fairy) (Mythical) (The Autumnwoods Of Legends)
189. Kikaura (Fighting Psychic/Fairy) (Mythical) (The Autumnwoods Of Legends)
190. Myobenevu (Psychic/Fairy) (Mythical) (The Autumnwoods Of Legends)
191. Kitosane (Angel/Fairy) (Mythical) (The Autumnwoods Of Legends)
192. Otoryubi (Ghost/Fairy) (Mythical) (The Autumnwoods Of Legends)
193. Otohitsune (Angel/Fire/Fairy) (Mythical) (The Autumnwoods Of Legends)
194. Seimabei (Angel/Psychic) (Legendary Deity) (The Autumnwoods Of Legends)
195. Yamatorochi (Devil/Dragon) (Legendary Deity) (The Autumnwoods Of Legends)
196. Shiranukami (Fire/Angel/Dragon) (Legendary Deity) (The Autumnwoods Of Legends)
197. Omomijizo (Angel/Grass) (Legendary Deity) (The Autumnwoods Of Legends)
198. Nueyudo (Dragon/Angel/Devil) (Legendary Deity) (The Autumnwoods Of Legends)
199. Jigonnayu (Psychic/Ghost/Devil) (Legendary Deity) (The Autumnwoods Of Legends)
200. Ikkyamui (Psychic/Ghost/Angel) (Legendary Deity) (The Autumnwoods Of Legends)
201. Volcashura (Fire/Fighting/Angel) (Legendary Deity) (The Autumnwoods Of Legends)
202. Regigrove (Grass) (The Secrets of The Aurora Alpines)
203. Regicano (Fire) (The Secrets of The Aurora Alpines)
204. Regihydro (Water) (The Secrets of The Aurora Alpines)
205. Frostag (Ice) (Legendary) (The Secrets of The Aurora Alpines)
206. Mistal (Fairy) (Legendary) (The Secrets of The Aurora Alpines)
207. Cernuternal (Psychic/Grass) (Legendary) (The Secrets of The Aurora Alpines)
208. Kokkuriona (Fire/Psychic/Fairy) (Mythical) (Event)
209. Uktenaire (Flying/Dragon) (Mythical) (Event)
210. Pottergeist (Ghost/Steel) (The Phantasmagorian Tombs)
211. Spekettral (Ghost/Steel) (The Phantasmagorian Tombs)
212. Bogorror (Ground/Rock/Ghost) (The Phantasmagorian Tombs)
213. Reaperepaer (Psychic/Ghost) (The Phantasmagorian Tombs)
214. Aurumorona (Psychic/Ghost) (The Phantasmagorian Tombs)
215. Kloneru (Psychic) (The Phantasmagorian Tombs)
216. Klotobu (Psychic/Flying) (The Phantasmagorian Tombs)
217. Wildflora (Grass/Fire) (The Phantasmagorian Tombs)
218. Pinitcher (Grass) (The Phantasmagorian Tombs)
219. Ursaberry (Normal/Grass) (The Phantasmagorian Tombs)
220. Lauramb (Normal/Grass) (The Phantasmagorian Tombs)
221. Soldew (Grass/Water) (The Phantasmagorian Tombs)
222. Bullywort (Grass/Dark) (The Phantasmagorian Tombs)
223. Crandune (Ground/Flying) (The Phantasmagorian Tombs)
224. Vulpompeii (Ghost/Fire) (The Phantasmagorian Tombs)
225. Badgirch (Grass/Normal) (The Phantasmagorian Tombs)
226. Oakoon (Grass/Normal) (The Phantasmagorian Tombs)
227. Becleaver (Steel/Normal) (The Phantasmagorian Tombs)
228. Basculich (Ghost/Water) (The Phantasmagorian Tombs)
229. Dryptosword (Ground/Steel) (The Phantasmagorian Tombs)
230. Icaroswift (Flying/Rock) (The Phantasmagorian Tombs)
231. Dripstlurus (Water/Rock) (The Phantasmagorian Tombs)
232. Dracosuchrus (Ground/Dragon) (The Phantasmagorian Tombs)
233. Maldejo (Devil/Ghost) (Legendary) (The Phantasmagorian Tombs)
234. Benevoldejo (Angel/Ghost) (Legendary) (The Phantasmagorian Tombs)
235. Skelestag (Ghost) (Legendary) (The Phantasmagorian Tombs)
236. Wraithdigo (Ghost/Devil) (Legendary) (The Phantasmagorian Tombs)
237. Tancibog (Ground/Poison/Water) (The Phantasmagorian Tombs)
238. Kiddutch (Ghost/Grass/Water) (Legendary) (The Phantasmagorian Tombs)
239. Stillague (Poison/Ghost) (Legendary) (The Phantasmagorian Tombs)
240. Mausolith (Ghost/Ground) (The Phantasmagorian Tombs)
241. Gentìath (Fairy/Grass) (Mythical) (The Phantasmagorian Tombs)
242. Sylphodel (Fairy/Grass) (Mythical) (The Phantasmagorian Tombs)
243. Helonymph (Fairy/Grass (Mythical) (The Phantasmagorian Tombs)

Bonus 9th Generation Event Exclusive Pokémon
1. Composplode (Grass/Fire)
2. Feralynel (Fighting)
3. VB Rotom (New Rotom Form) (Electric/Psychic)
4. Arcade Rotom (New Rotom Form) (Electric/Fighting)
5. Zap Rotom (New Rotom Form) (Electric/Bug)
6. Candy Rotom (New Rotom Form) (Electric/Fairy)
7. Rocuatro (Legendary) (Rock/Flying)

Convergent Pokémon
1. Paradore (Water/Posion)
2. Paradornment (Water/Poison)
3. Acornemite (Grass/Ground)
4. Acorneton (Grass/Ground)
5. Acornezone (Grass/Ground)
6. Vooduo (Psychic/Ghost/Dark)
7. Voodrio (Psychic/Ghost/Dark)
8. Omallusk (Bug/Rock)
9. Omascargot (Bug/Rock)
10. Ledywatt (Bug/Electric)
11. Ledipulse (Bug/Electric)
12. Squitu (Bug/Poison)
13. Zikuitu (Bug/Poison)
14. Beedot (Bug)
15. Buzzlite (Bug/Dark)
16. Stingtry (Bug/Dark)
17. Sizzlur (Fire)
18. Scaldred (Fire)
19. Excorch (Fire)
20. Nosebass (Water/Electric)
21. Probobass (Water/Electric)
22. Solbeat (Fire/Bug)
23. Lunamise (Fairy/Bug)
24. Swinda (Dark)
25. Onigirith (Fairy/Dragon)
26. Omusaldo (Fairy/Dragon)
27. Shupuff (Fairy)
28. Bloonette (Fairy)
29. Starros (Psychic/Rock)
30. Astrodon (Psychic/Rock)
31. Trunky (Normal)
32. Trunktank (Normal/Ground)
33. Spiribloom (Grass/Fairy)
34. Chillbur (Ice)
35. Excachill (Ice/Steel)
36. Yawnnish (Psychic)
37. Slumbodor (Psychic)
38. Slamamander (Poison-Fighting)
39. Saluchador (Poison-Fighting)

Pokémon from Other regions that are found in the Neujersia Region (WIP)

1. Caterpie (Bug)
2. Metapod (Bug)
3. Weedle (Bug/Poison)
4. Kakuna (Bug/Poison)
5. Rattata (Normal)
6. Raticate (Normal)
7. Ekans (Poison)
8. Arbok (Poison)
9. Pichu (Electric)
10. Pikachu (Electric)
11. Raichu (Electric)
12. Nidoran (Both Male & Female) (Poison)
13. Nidorina (Poison)
14. Nidorino (Poison)
15. Nidoqueen (Poison/Ground)
16. Nidoking (Poison/Ground)
17. Vulpix (Fire)
18. Ninetales (Fire)
19. Igglybuff (Normal/Fairy)
20. Jigglypuff (Normal/Fairy)
21. Wigglytuff (Normal/Fairy)
22. Cleffa (Fairy)
23. Clefairy (Fairy)
24. Clefable (Fairy)
25. Zubat (Poison/Flying)
26. Golbat (Poison/Flying)
27. Crobat (Poison/Flying)
28. Diglett (Ground)
29. Dugtrio (Ground)
30. Psyduck (Water)
31. Golduck (Water)
32. Poliwag (Water)
33. Poliwhirl (Water)
34. Poliwrath (Water/Fighting)
35. Politoed (Water)
36. Abra (Psychic)
37. Kadabra (Psychic)
38. Alakazam (Psychic)
39. Geodude (Rock/Ground)
40. Graveler (Rock/Ground)
41. Golem (Rock/Ground)
42. Slowpoke (Water/Psychic)
43. Slowbro (Water/Psychic)
44. Slowking (Water/Psychic)
45. Grimer (Poison)
46. Muk (Poison)
47. Shellder (Water)
48. Cloyster (Water/Ice)
49. Gastly (Ghost/Poison)
50. Haunter (Ghost/Poison)
51. Gengar (Ghost/Poison)
52. Onix (Rock/Ground)
53. Steelix (Steel/Ground)
54. Tyrogue (Fighting)
55. Hitmonlee (Fighting)
56. Hitmonchan (Fighting)
57. Hitmontop (Fighting)
58. Tangela (Grass)
59. Tangrowth (Grass)
60. Magikarp (Water)
61. Gyarados (Water/Flying)
62. Mime Jr. (Psychic/Fairy)
63. Mr. Mime (Psychic/Fairy)
64. Mr. Rime (Psychic/Ice)
65. Ditto (Normal)
66. Eevee (Normal)
67. Vaporeon (Water)
68. Jolteon (Electric)
69. Flareon (Fire)
70. Espeon (Psychic)
71. Umbreon (Dark)
72. Leafeon (Grass)
73. Glaceon (Ice)
74. Sylveon (Fairy)
75. Dratini (Dragon)
76. Dragonair (Dragon)
77. Dragonite (Dragon/Flying)
78. Pidgey (Flying)
79. Pidgeotto (Flying)
80. Pidgeot (Flying)
81. Spearow (Flying)
82. Fearow (Flying)
83. Spinarak (Bug/Poison)
84. Ariados (Bug/Poison)
85. Bellossom (Grass)
86. Azurill (Water/Fairy)
87. Marill (Water/Fairy)
88. Azumarill (Water/Fairy)
89. Wooper (Water/Ground)
90. Quagsire (Water/Ground)
91. Murkrow (Dark/Flying)
92. Honchkrow (Dark/Flying)
93. Misdreavus (Ghost)
94. Mismagius (Dark/Ghost)
95. Girafarig (Normal/Psychic)
96. Farigiraf (Normal/Psychic)
97. Gligar (Ground/Flying)
98. Gliscor (Ground/Flying)
99. Heracross (Bug/Fighting)
100. Smeargle (Normal)
101. Rhyhorn (Ground/Rock)
102. Rhydon (Ground/Rock)
103. Rhyperior (Ground/Rock)
104. Larvitar (Rock/Ground)
105. Pupitar (Rock/Ground)
106. Tyranitar (Rock/Dark)
107. Wingull (Water/Flying)
108. Pelipper (Water/Flying)
109. Ralts (Psychic/Fairy)
110. Makuhita (Fighting)
111. Hariyama (Fighting)
112. Sableye (Dark/Ghost)
113. Wurmple (Bug)
114. Silcoon (Bug)
115. Cascoon (Bug)
116. Beautifly (Bug/Flying)
117. Dustox (Bug/Poison)
118. Yanma (Bug)
119. Yanmega (Bug/Flying)
120. Aron (Steel/Rock)
121. Lairon (Steel/Rock)
122. Aggron (Steel/Rock)
123. Oddish (Grass/Poison)
124. Gloom (Grass/Poison)
125. Vileplume (Grass/Poison)
126. Zigzagoon (Normal)
127. Linoone (Normal)
128. Obstagoon (Dark/Normal)
129. Slakoth (Normal)
130. Vigoroth (Normal)
131. Slaking (Normal)
132. Electrike (Electric)
133. Manectric (Electric)
134. Numel (Fire/Ground)
135. Camerupt (Fire/Ground)
136. Trapinch (Ground)
137. Vibrava (Ground/Dragon)
138. Flygon (Ground/Dragon)
139. Corphish (Water)
140. Zangoose (Normal)
141. Seviper (Poison)
142. Swablu (Normal/Flying)
143. Altaria (Dragon/Flying)
144. Barboach (Water/Ground)
145. Whiscash (Water/Ground)
146. Castform (Normal)
147. Shuppet (Ghost)
148. Banette (Ghost)
149. Tropius (Grass/Flying)
150. Absol (Dark)
151. Kecleon (Normal)
152. Wynaut (Psychic)
153. Wobbuffet (Psychic)
154. Chingling (Psychic)
155. Chimecho (Psychic)
156. Snorunt (Ice)
157. Glalie (Ice)
158. Froslass (Ice/Ghost)
159. Relicanth (Water/Rock)
160. Bagon (Dragon)
161. Shelgon (Dragon)
162. Salamance (Dragon/Flying)
163. Beldum (Steel/Psychic)
164. Metang (Steel/Psychic)
165. Metagross (Steel/Psychic)
166. Regirock (Rock)
167. Regice (Ice)
168. Registeel (Steel)
169. Regieleki (Electric)
170. Regidrago (Dragon)
171. Regigigas (Normal)
172. Bidoof (Normal)
173. Bibarel (Normal/Water)
174. Shinx (Electric)
175. Luxio (Electric)
176. Luxray (Electric)
177. Torkoal (Fire)
178. Plusle (Electric)
179. Minun (Electric)
180. Tentacool (Water/Poison)
181. Tentacruel (Water/Poison)
182. Toedscool (Grass/Ground)
183. Toedscruel (Grass/Ground)
184. Burmy (Bug)
185. Wormadam (Bug) (Secondary Type depends on form)
186. Mothim (Bug/Flying)
187. Combee (Bug)
188. Vespiquen (Bug)
189. Pachirisu (Electric)
190. Cherubi (Grass)
191. Cherrim (Grass)
192. Drifloon (Ghost/Flying)
193. Drifblim (Ghost/Flying)
194. Bronzor (Steel/Psychic)
195. Bronzong (Steel/Psychic)
196. Gible (Dragon/Ground)
197. Gabite (Dragon/Ground)
198. Garchomp (Dragon/Ground)
199. Riolu (Fighting)
200. Lucario (Fighting/Steel)
201. Magby (Fire)
202. Magmar (Fire)
203. Magmortar (Fire)
204. Elekid (Electric)
205. Electabuzz (Electric)
206. Electivire (Electric)
207. Budew (Grass/Poison)
208. Roselia (Grass/Poison)
209. Roserade (Grass/Poison)
210. Shroomish (Grass)
211. Breloom (Grass/Fighting)
212. Croagunk (Poison)
213. Toxicroak (Poison/Fighting)
214. Skorupi (Poison/Bug)
215. Drapion (Dark/Poison)
216. Hippopotas (Ground)
217. Hippowdon (Ground)
218. Snover (Grass/Ice)
219. Abomasnow (Grass/Ice)
220. Rotom (Electric/Ghost)
221. Roggenrola (Rock)
222. Boldore (Rock)
223. Gigalith (Rock)
224. Woobat (Psychic/Flying)
225. Swoobat (Psychic/Flying)
226. Cottonee (Grass/Fairy)
227. Whimsicott (Grass/Fairy)
228. Petlili (Grass/Fairy)
229. Lilligant (Grass/Fairy)
230. Unown (Psychic)
231. Sandile (Ground/Dark)
232. Krokorok (Ground/Dark)
233. Krookodile (Ground/Dark)
234. Scraggy (Dark/Fighting)
235. Scrafty (Dark/Fighting)
236. Sigilyph (Psychic/Flying)
237. Yamask (Ghost)
238. Cofagrigus (Ghost)
239. Runerigus (Ghost/Ground)
240. Venipede (Bug/Poison)
241. Whirlipede (Bug/Poison)
242. Scolipede (Bug/Poison)
243. Minccino (Normal)
244. Cinccino (Normal)
245. Gothita (Psychic)
246. Gothorita (Psychic)
247. Ducklett (Water/Flying)
248. Deerling (Normal/Grass)
249. Sawsbuck (Normal Grass)
250. Munchlax (Normal)
251. Snorlax (Normal)
252. Foongus (Grass/Poison)
253. Amoongus (Grass/Poison)
254. Tynamo (Electric)
255. Eelektrik (Electric)
256. Eelektross (Electric)
257. Elegyem (Psychic)
258. Beheeyem (Psychic)
259. Litwick (Ghost/Fire)
260. Lampent (Ghost/Fire)
261. Chandelure (Ghost/Fire)
262. Cryogonal (Ice)
263. Druddigon (Dragon)
264. Pawniard (Dark/Steel)
265. Bisharp (Dark/Steel)
266. Kingambit (Dark/Steel)
267. Rufflet (Normal/Flying)
268. Braviary (Normal/Flying)
269. Vullaby (Dark/Flying)
270. Mandibuzz (Dark/Flying)
271. Heatmor (Fire)
272. Durant (Bug/Steel)
273. Deino (Dark/Dragon)
274. Zweilous (Dark/Dragon)
275. Hydreigon (Dark/Dragon)
276. Larvesta (Bug/Fire)
277. Volcarona (Bug/Fire)
278. Bunnelby (Normal)
279. Diggersby (Normal/Ground)
280. Scatterbug (Bug)
281. Spewpa (Bug)
282. Vivillon (Bug/Flying)
283. Flabébé (Fairy)
284. Floette (Fairy)
285. Florges (Fairy)
286. Skiddo (Grass)
287. Gogoat (Grass)
288. Furfrou (Normal)
289. Pancham (Fighting)
290. Pangoro (Fighting/Dark)
291. Honedge (Steel/Ghost)
292. Doublade (Steel/Ghost)
293. Aegislash (Steel/Ghost)
294. Spritzee (Fairy)
295. Aromatisse (Fairy)
296. Swirlix (Fairy)
297. Slurpuff (Fairy)
298. Binacle (Rock/Water)
299. Barbaracle (Rock/Water)
300. Tyrunt (Rock/Dragon)
301. Tyrantrum (Rock/Dragon)
302. Hawlucha (Fighting/Flying)
303. Machop (Fighting)
304. Machoke (Fighting)
305. Machamp (Fighting)
306. Pumpkaboo (Ghost/Grass)
307. Gourgeist (Ghost/Grass)
308. Phantump (Ghost/Grass)
309. Trevenant (Ghost/Grass)
310. Noibat (Flying/Dragon)
311. Noivern (Flying/Dragon)
312. Oricorio (Flying) (Secondary type depends on which form it is in)
313. Rockruff (Rock)
314. Lycanroc (Rock)
315. Mudbray (Ground)
316. Mudsdale (Ground)
317. Fomantis (Grass)
318. Lurantis (Grass)
319. Stufful (Normal/Fighting)
320. Bewear (Normal/Fighting)
321. Bounsweet (Grass)
322. Steenee (Grass)
323. Tsareena (Grass)
324. Comfey (Fairy)
325. Passimian (Fighting)
326. Oranguru (Normal/Psychic)
327. Wimpod (Water/Bug)
328. Golisopod (Water/Bug)
329. Pyukumuku (Water)
330. Togodemaru (Electric/Steel)
331. Mimikyu (Ghost/Fairy)
332. Bruxish (Water/Psychic)
333. Rookidee (Flying)
334. Corvisquire (Flying)
335. Corviknight (Flying/Steel)
336. Blipbug (Bug)
337. Dottler (Bug/Psychic)
338. Orbeetle (Bug/Psychic)
339. Wooloo (Normal)
340. Dubwool (Normal)
341. Chewtle (Water/Rock)
342. Drednaw (Water/Rock)
343. Rolycoly (Rock)
344. Carkoal (Rock/Fire)
345. Coalossal (Rock/Fire)
346. Applin (Grass/Dragon)
347. Flapple (Grass/Dragon)
348. Appletun (Grass/Dragon)
349. Cramorant (Flying/Water)
350. Arrokuda (Water)
351. Barraskewda (Water)
352. Sizzlipede (Bug/Fire)
353. Centiskorch (Bug/Fire)
354. Silicobra (Ground)
355. Sandconda (Ground)
356. Clobbopus (Fighting)
357. Grapploct (Fighting)
358. Milcery (Fairy)
359. Alcremie (Fairy)
360. Falinks (Fighting)
361. Snom (Ice/Bug)
362. Frosmoth (Ice/Bug)
363. Indeedee (Normal/Psychic)
364. Cufant (Steel)
365. Copperajah (Steel)
366. Lechonk (Normal)
367. Oinkolonge (Normal)
368. Pawmi (Electric)
369. Pawmo (Electric/Fighting)
370. Pawmot (Electric/Fighting)
371. Tandemaus (Normal)
372. Maushold (Normal)
373. Solosis (Psychic)
374. Duosis (Psychic)
375. Reuniclus (Psychic)
376. Nacli (Rock)
377. Naclstack (Rock)
378. Garganacl (Rock)
379. Shroodle (Poison/Normal)
380. Grafaiai (Poison/Normal)
381. Greavard (Ghost)
382. Houndstone (Ghost)
383. Bramblin (Grass/Ghost)
384. Brambleghast (Grass/Ghost)
385. Finizen (Water)
386. Palafin (Water)
387. Varoom (Steel/Poison)
388. Revaroom (Steel/Poison)
389. Cyclizar (Dragon/Normal)
390. Orthworm (Steel)
391. Flamigo (Fighting/Flying)
392. Veluza (Water/Psychic)
393. Dondozo (Water)
394. Tatsugiri (Dragon/Water)
395. Cetoddle (Ice)
396. Cetitan (Ice)
397. Clodsire (Poison/Ground)
398. Frigibax (Dragon/Ice)
399. Arctibax (Dragon/Ice)
400. Baxcalibur (Dragon/Ice)
401. Gimmighoul (Ghost)
402. Gholdengo (Steel/Ghost)
403. Dipplin (Grass/Dragon)
404. Teddiursa (Normal)
405. Ursaring (Normal)
406. Ursaluna (Normal/Ground)
407. Basculin (Water)
408. Basculegion (Water/Ghost)
Part Three of my 10th Generation Pokémon speculation. This is the Neujersia Region Pokédex with 151 Pokémon in it.
Note: Added Pokemon in The Autumnwoods of Legends DLC & The Secrets of The Aurora Alpines DLC (It's DLC Speculation) to the Pokedex
Note: Made some edits to the Pokédex and added some more DLC Speculation in the form of The Phantasmagorian Tombs.
Note: Added some Convergent Pokémon.
Note: Added Pokémon from other regions in this Pokédex.
Note: Changed a few Pokémon names and added a new Pokémon
Pokémon © Nintendo & Game Freak™
© 2017 - 2024 CapricornDiem456
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If I drew a team of pokemon from your fakemon and post it will I be allowed to credit you from the inspiration of your pokemon?